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  • Traditional Chinese medicine, as an important component of Chinese traditional culture, has a long history and a long history. In traditional Chinese medicine theory, identifying symptoms through medication is crucial. A qualified Chinese medicine doctor needs to have a solid theoretical foundation and rich clinical experience, be able to accurately diagnose diseases, and prescribe corresponding prescriptions based on different conditions.
    Traditional Chinese medicine emphasizes the principle of "treating the symptoms according to the medicine, and matching the medicine with the syndrome". During the diagnosis process, doctors need to have a comprehensive understanding of the patient's condition, including symptoms, signs, tongue, pulse, and other aspects. By comprehensively analyzing this information, the etiology, pathogenesis, location, and physical characteristics of the disease can be determined, in order to provide personalized treatment plans for patients.
    At the same time, traditional Chinese medicine also emphasizes the principle of "monarchs, subjects, and assistants". In the compatibility of prescriptions, doctors need to follow certain rules and make reasonable combinations based on the characteristics of the drug's nature, taste, meridian tropism, and efficacy. Through reasonable compatibility, the efficacy can be improved, side effects can be reduced, and better therapeutic effects can be achieved.



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