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  • Traditional Chinese medicine believes that for those with insufficient form, they should be warmed with qi. The meaning of this sentence is that for people who are physically weak and thin, warm and nourishing methods should be used to regulate them. Among them, "insufficient body shape" refers to symptoms such as weight loss, muscle atrophy, and physical weakness, while "warming with qi" refers to the use of warming and tonifying methods to regulate the body.
    In traditional Chinese medicine theory, there are physiological mechanisms such as Yin Yang and Five Elements, as well as organs and meridians in the human body, and "Qi" is an important concept among them. Traditional Chinese medicine believes that "qi" is the basic substance of human life activities and the source of power to maintain the normal operation of human life. Therefore, for those who are physically weak, the method of warming and replenishing qi can effectively regulate the body and enhance physical fitness.


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