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  • Traditional Chinese medicine believes that elderly deafness is often related to kidney deficiency, as the kidney qi gradually declines with age, leading to a decrease in hearing. In addition, due to the decline in physical function and insufficient Qi and blood in elderly people, it is also easy to affect hearing. Therefore, traditional Chinese medicine treatment for elderly deafness mainly focuses on tonifying the kidneys and improving hearing by regulating kidney qi. At the same time, traditional Chinese medicine also focuses on regulating qi and blood, improving hearing by supplementing qi and nourishing blood. In traditional Chinese medicine, elderly deafness is not only a problem with the ears, but also a reflection of overall health. Therefore, traditional Chinese medicine treatment for elderly deafness requires comprehensive consideration of the patient's overall condition and the development of personalized treatment plans. In addition to medication treatment, traditional Chinese medicine also emphasizes comprehensive treatment in areas such as dietary regulation and exercise health. By having a reasonable diet and exercising appropriately, one can enhance their physical fitness and improve their hearing. In summary, traditional Chinese medicine has unique theories and methods for the treatment of elderly deafness. Through comprehensive treatment, it can effectively improve the hearing condition of the elderly and enhance their quality of life.

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