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  • The treatment principle of traditional Chinese medicine for pediatric convulsions is "clearing heat, purging fire, calming the liver and extinguishing wind". In the process of treatment, Chinese medicine uses a variety of treatment methods, such as oral Chinese medicine, acupuncture and moxibustion, massage, etc. Among them, traditional Chinese medicine treatment is one of the main treatment methods. According to different symptoms and causes, traditional Chinese medicine will prescribe different traditional Chinese medicine formulas, such as Anshen Dingjing Tang, Gouteng Yin, etc., to achieve the effects of clearing heat, detoxifying, calming shock, and extinguishing wind.
    In addition to medication treatment, traditional Chinese medicine also emphasizes prevention and care. Parents can prevent seizures in children by taking measures such as reasonable feeding, enhancing their physical fitness, and maintaining indoor air circulation. Meanwhile, when convulsions occur in children, parents should remain calm, seek medical attention in a timely manner, and follow the doctor's advice for treatment and care.


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