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  • 《黄帝内经》中的饮食养生智慧,牛肉属于甘味,入脾。甘味的食物一般具有补养作用,能够化生气血,对五脏六腑都有营养功能。因此,《黄帝内经》认为牛肉具有健脾补脾的作用。此外,牛肉还被认为是温热性的肉食类,可以与白萝卜或番茄等食材一起炖煮,以调和其寒热性质,使其更易于消化吸收,从而更好地发挥其补养作用。
    The dietary health wisdom in the Yellow Emperor's Inner Canon states that beef belongs to the sweet taste and enters the spleen. Sweet foods generally have a nourishing effect, can transform qi and blood, and have nutritional functions for the five organs and six viscera. Therefore, the Huangdi Neijing believes that beef has the function of strengthening and tonifying the spleen. In addition, beef is also considered a warm meat type that can be stewed with ingredients such as white radishes or tomatoes to harmonize its cold and hot properties, making it easier to digest and absorb, and thus better exerting its nourishing effect.

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