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  • As the seasons change, we seem to hear the call of nature. Adapting to seasonal changes is the wisdom of traditional Chinese medicine for health preservation. Spring nourishes the liver, summer nourishes the heart, autumn nourishes the lungs, and winter nourishes the kidneys. This is not only a lifestyle attitude, but also a healthy philosophy.
    The four seasons are distinct, each season has its unique charm, and our bodies are the same. Each organ has its best maintenance period. In a busy life, why not stop and feel the changes of the season, listen to the sound of your body, and give yourself a gentle hug.
    Adjust your daily routine and diet according to the advice of traditional Chinese medicine. Sometimes, health doesn't require complex medications or expensive health supplements, it just requires us to feel, adapt, and cherish with our hearts.
    Let's adapt to the season together, embrace nature, and enjoy a healthy and beautiful life!
    随着季节的更迭,我们仿佛听到了大自然的呼唤,顺应季节变化,是中医养生的智慧所在。 春天养肝,夏天养心,秋天养肺,冬天养肾,这不仅仅是一种生活态度,更是一种健康的哲学。




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