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  • According to the theory of traditional Chinese medicine, phlegm is not only a sticky substance in the throat, but also a pathological product that reflects the health status of our body. Sometimes, if there is too much phlegm, it may be a problem with our spleen and stomach function; Sometimes, changes in the color and texture of phlegm may also indicate discomfort in certain parts of the body.

    Does it sound a bit mysterious? But actually, it makes sense to think about it. After all, our body is like a complex machine, with every part and every cell silently striving for our health.

    So, starting from today, pay more attention to your body's "small signals", such as changes in phlegm, adjust your lifestyle habits in a timely manner, and keep your body in a balanced state. After all, prevention is always better than treatment!

    You may also want to give it a try and pay more attention to the small details of your body, perhaps you can discover more health secrets!

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