谷雨节气到了,养生小达人上线!🌸 据说这个时节,雨水滋润,万物复苏,但身体也容易受湿气困扰。中医说,湿气重,脾胃就容易受伤。所以,得吃点健脾的食物,比如山药、赤小豆,它们就像身体里的“小太阳”,能帮我们驱赶湿气。🍲
The Grain Rain Festival has arrived, and health experts are online! It is said that during this season, rain nourishes and all things revive, but the body is also easily troubled by moisture. Traditional Chinese medicine says that when dampness is heavy, the spleen and stomach are prone to injury. So, we need to eat some spleen strengthening foods, such as yam and red beans. They are like the "little sun" in the body, which can help us drive away moisture.