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  • A little knowledge of traditional Chinese medicine, it turns out that "Shaoyang belongs to the kidneys, and the kidneys are connected to the lungs"! The kidneys and lungs, one in the lower part of the body and the other in the upper part, may seem unreachable, but in reality, they are intricately connected.

    Do you know that the kidneys are the source of life, responsible for storing and providing the energy our bodies need. The lungs are the hub of respiration, allowing fresh oxygen to enter the body and expelling exhaust gases from the body. Imagine that if there is a problem with the kidneys, the energy supply to the body will be affected, making it difficult for the lungs to function. On the contrary, if the function of the lungs weakens and breathing is not smooth, the kidneys will also be damaged due to hypoxia.

    So, the body is really a magical whole, and every part is closely related. Next time you feel unwell, perhaps you can try to think from the perspective of traditional Chinese medicine, whether there is a problem with one part that affects the normal operation of other parts?

    Health is nothing small, everyone should take good care of themselves!
    中医的小知识,原来“少阳属肾,肾上连肺”啊! 肾和肺,一个在身体的下部,一个在上部,看似八竿子打不着,但实际上却有着千丝万缕的联系。

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