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  • In traditional Chinese medicine theory, the importance of the spleen and stomach is self-evident. The spleen and stomach are not only responsible for digesting food, but also for controlling the absorption and delivery of nutrients.

    The dietotherapy recommended by Chinese medicine, such as yam Congee and red jujube tea, can nourish the stomach and spleen and regulate health. It seems that if you want to be healthy, you still need to listen to the wisdom of our ancestors!

    Do you have any tips for regulating the spleen and stomach? Or what is your opinion on traditional Chinese medicine theory? Come and share it! Maybe your experience can help more people!

    Speaking of which, although modern medicine is very advanced, the vastness and profoundness of traditional Chinese medicine are still worth learning and inheriting. After all, is the body the capital of revolution!

    Let's focus on spleen and stomach health together and enjoy a beautiful life!

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