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  • There is a saying in traditional Chinese medicine: "The damage to the five organs will inevitably affect the kidneys when poor." This statement is really accurate! Just like the various pressures in our lives, at first it may just be a bad mood, but if the long-term backlog is not resolved, it will definitely affect our physical health in the end.

    Think about it, when feeling down, do you often feel like you can't eat or sleep well? This is how emotions affect the spleen, stomach, and liver and gallbladder. Continuing further, other parts of the body may also be affected, and in the end, even the kidneys may have problems. Kidney is our innate foundation, we need to take good care of it!

    So, I think everyone really needs to pay attention to emotional management and physical health. Don't wait until "poverty will reach your kidneys" to regret. Maintaining a good mood, exercising appropriately, and eating reasonably every day is the right way to maintain health! What do you think?

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