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  • The wisdom of traditional Chinese medicine is truly vast and profound! Do you know? Traditional Chinese medicine emphasizes consistency between the surface and the inside, maintaining a balance of qi and blood, which is consistent with many principles in our daily lives. Just like how we have to drink a cup of warm water every morning to maintain water balance in our bodies, isn't this the same as what traditional Chinese medicine calls Qi and blood balance? Moreover, I have found that when we are in a happy and positive mood, our bodies seem to have more vitality, which is the secret of the unity of body and mind! So, I think traditional Chinese medicine is not just a form of medicine, but also a philosophy of life. It tells us that in order to maintain good physical health, one should not only focus on the body, but also on one's mood and attitude. What do you think? Do you have any good methods or experiences of traditional Chinese medicine health preservation? Come and share it!

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