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  • The way to nourish oneself is actually in daily life. Traditional Chinese medicine often says "Yin Yang balance", which is not only a medical term, but also the health state we pursue. Imagine, the body is like a small universe, where yin and yang are interdependent and mutually restrictive. For example, going to bed early and waking up early can help regulate the rise of yang energy and maintain vitality; Proper exercise can also harmonize the yin and qi in the body, making it more flexible. So, dear ones, if you want to be healthy, start with small things in life and pay attention to maintaining a balance of yin and yang in your body! Let health accompany us every day!
    养生之道其实就在日常点滴中。中医常说“阴阳平衡”,这不仅仅是医学术语,更是我们追求的健康状态。想象一下,身体就像一座小宇宙,阴阳两气相互依存,相互制约。比如,早睡早起,就能顺应阳气的升发,保持精神焕发;而适当锻炼,又能调和体内阴气,让身体更加柔韧。 所以啊,亲们,想要身体健康,就从生活中的小事做起,注意保持身体的阴阳平衡吧!让健康伴随我们每一天!

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