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  • You know what? Traditional Chinese Medicine is a treasure trove! Just as we pay attention to the combination of ingredients when cooking, traditional Chinese medicine also emphasizes maintaining qi and blood balance through regulating diet, daily routine, and exercise. For example, a cup of red dates and wolfberry tea in the morning can warm the stomach and replenish qi; Go to bed on time at night to give your body sufficient rest; Combined with moderate exercise every day, the body can naturally maintain its optimal state! It has to be said that the wisdom of traditional Chinese medicine is profound and extensive, and it is worth learning and practicing well!
    你知道吗?中医可是个宝藏! 就像我们平时做饭要讲究食材搭配,中医也讲究通过调理饮食、作息和运动来保持气血平衡。比如,早上一杯红枣枸杞茶,暖胃又补气;晚上按时睡觉,让身体得到充分的休息;再加上每天适量的运动,身体自然就能保持最佳状态啦! 不得不说,中医的智慧真是博大精深,值得我们好好学习和实践哦!

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