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  • Does traditional Chinese medicine advocate for "treating diseases before they occur"? What does this mean? Simply put, it means taking preventive measures before the disease hits your doorstep!

    Moreover, prevention is much easier than treatment! You don't have to endure illness, you don't have to take a bunch of medicine, and you can save a lot of medical expenses! So, my friends, from today on, let's become experts in "preventing illness" together! Let health become the main theme of our lives! what you think?
    而且啊,预防总比治疗来得容易多了!不用忍受病痛,不用吃一堆药,还能省下不少医药费呢! 所以啊,小伙伴们,从今天开始,让我们一起做个“治未病”的高手吧! 让健康成为我们生活的主旋律!你说呢?

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