The wisdom of traditional Chinese medicine – 'unity of appearance and essence, balance of qi and blood'. Just like us in life, our external words and actions must be consistent with our inner state in order to live comfortably. Qi and blood, like the body's' electricity ', need to maintain balance in order to be full of vitality. Traditional Chinese medicine, although bitter, makes the body feel much more relaxed after drinking it every time. Traditional Chinese medicine is really amazing. If you feel unwell next time, I recommend trying traditional Chinese medicine's conditioning methods! What do you think? Let's talk about the mysteries of traditional Chinese medicine together!
中医的智慧——“表里如一,气血平衡”。 就像生活中的我们,外在的言行和内心的状态要一致,才能活得自在。气血,就像身体的“电量”,得保持平衡,才能元气满满。 中药,虽然苦,但每次喝完都感觉身体轻松不少。中医真是神奇啊,下次身体不舒服,推荐试试中医的调理方法!大家觉得呢?一起来聊聊中医的奥秘吧!