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  • health preservation? Don't misunderstand, this is not just grandpa and grandma's exclusive morning exercise and goji berry tea! In this fast-paced era, we young people also have to carry the banner of health preservation, after all, the body is the capital of revolution!

    Imagine staying up late and working overtime, no longer relying on coffee to prolong life, but having a cup of warm honey lemon water, sweet and refreshing, as if doing a mini SPA for the body. On weekends, Ge You is no longer a homebody. He puts on his running shoes and goes hiking with friends, filling his lungs with the freshness of nature and making his mood lush with greenery。
    想象一下,熬夜加班后不再是靠咖啡续命,而是来一杯温热的蜂蜜柠檬水,清甜解乏,仿佛给身体做了一次mini SPA。周末不再是宅家葛优躺,换上跑鞋,和朋友们来一场说走就走的徒步,让肺里装满大自然的清新,心情也跟着绿意盎然起来。

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