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  • 今天白露,真正意义上的秋季,才刚刚开始,夏季风逐渐为冬季风所代替,冷空气转守为攻,加上太阳直射点南移,北半球日照时间变短,光照强度减弱,地面辐射散热快,所以温度下降速度也逐渐加快。白露基本结束了暑天的闷热,天气渐渐转凉,寒生露凝。古人以四时配五行,秋属金,金色白,以白形容秋露,故名“白露”。
    Today marks the beginning of the true autumn season, with the summer monsoon gradually being replaced by the winter monsoon. Cold air is shifting from defense to attack, and with the direct sunlight moving southward, the northern hemisphere's sunshine hours are shorter, the intensity of light is reduced, and ground radiation is dissipating heat faster. As a result, the rate of temperature decline is gradually accelerating. White dew has basically ended the hot and humid weather of summer, and the weather is gradually turning cooler, with cold dew condensing. In ancient times, the four seasons were matched with the five elements, and autumn belonged to gold, with golden and white colors. White was used to describe autumn dew, hence the name "White Dew".
    The White Dew solar term in 2024 is impressive because at this moment, a Category 17 super typhoon is raging wildly in the Qiongzhou Strait.
    Human beings are always so small in the face of nature, God bless China with peace.

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