The Yellow Emperor's Inner Canon believes that in order to maintain physical health, it is necessary to first maintain mental health. To achieve this, one must be proficient in the art of health preservation and follow certain health laws in order to eliminate thousands of disasters, cure all illnesses, seek health and longevity, and enjoy the good years. It can be considered that one of the key points emphasized in the Yellow Emperor's Inner Canon for maintaining human life and health is "quietness and nourishing the spirit". For example, in the Su Wen Bi Lun, it is said: "Tranquility leads to the storage of the spirit, while restlessness leads to extinction"; The "Su Wen · Zhi Zhen Yao Da Lun" points out: "Tranquility leads to biochemical treatment, while movement leads to severe illness; And the "Su Wen · Qi Qi Tong Tian Lun" further points out: "Tranquility leads to the closure of the flesh pores, although there may be strong winds and harsh toxins, do not harm them." It can be seen that to maintain physical health, one must first maintain mental health, and the best way to maintain mental health is to "quiet" and nourish the mind, so as to prevent external temptations and stabilize the heart, thereby enhancing the normal physiological functions and disease resistance of the organism, and reducing the risk of illness.
《黄帝内经》认为要保持身体健康,必须先保持心理健康,而要做到这点,就必须精于摄生之道,遵循一定的养生法则,才能千灾消,百病痊,以求健康长寿,享乐天年。可以认为《黄帝内经》 强调要做保持人体生命健康的一个要点就是“清静养神”,如《素问·痹论》说:“静则神藏,躁则消亡”;《素问·至真要大论》指出:“清静则生化治,动则苛 疾起”;而《素问·生气通天论》进一步指出:“清静则肉腠闭拒,虽有大风苛毒,勿之能害。”可见,要保持身体健康,必先保持心理健康,而要保持心理健康, 最好的办法就是“清静”养神,使外诱不入,内心安定,从而使有机体的生理功能正常抗病力增强,不易罹疾生病。