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  • The liver qi is responsible for the generation and development, corresponding to the image of the East. In ancient times, the East was on the left side, and in ancient China, people viewed the world in a "left east, right west" manner. The lung qi governs Chen's descent, which corresponds to the Western image. Therefore, the "right lung", the liver and the lungs, rise and fall one by one, can coordinate the qi flow of the whole body. When the qi flow is smooth, people will not be sick. Therefore, treating diseases can be said to be treating the liver and lungs. If the disease is difficult to treat, it is said to be "difficult to regulate the liver and lungs".
    The left liver and right lung are a type of traditional Chinese medicine that rely solely on functional meteorology to locate the organs, which is completely inconsistent with anatomical conclusions. Here, the liver and lungs do not refer to the physical entities of the liver and lungs, but rather to liver qi and lung qi.

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