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  • According to traditional Chinese medicine theory, human health and balance are closely related. Excessive sweating under the armpits is not only a physiological phenomenon, but also a manifestation of some imbalance in the body. Traditional Chinese Medicine emphasizes overall balance, believing that various organs, meridians, qi and blood, yin and yang of the human body interact and constrain each other. Excessive sweating under the armpits is often related to organ function, meridians, qi and blood, and yin-yang balance. For example, the kidneys are one of the important organs in the human body, responsible for water metabolism. If the kidney qi is weak, it can lead to excessive sweating; For example, the spleen and stomach are important organs for digestion and absorption in the human body. If the function of the spleen and stomach is disrupted, it can lead to excessive dampness in the body, resulting in excessive sweating. In addition, traditional Chinese medicine also emphasizes the balance of yin and yang, believing that the health of the human body requires the coordination of yin and yang. If there is an imbalance between yin and yang, it can lead to a series of uncomfortable symptoms such as excessive sweating. Therefore, for cases of excessive sweating under the armpits, traditional Chinese medicine suggests regulating the body as a whole, regulating the function of organs, meridians, qi and blood, and the balance of yin and yang, in order to achieve a healthy balance of the body.

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