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  • In terms of health preservation, drinking tea can also complement one's diet, playing a complementary role. For example, pairing with ingredients such as lemon, red dates, goji berries, etc. can increase the nutritional value of tea while also regulating its taste and flavor. In addition, different tea leaves paired with different beverages can also produce different health benefits, such as milk tea, lemon tea, chrysanthemum tea, etc.

    When brewing tea, it is important to pay attention to the amount of tea leaves and the water temperature. Generally speaking, the amount of tea should be moderate, not too much or too little. The water temperature also needs to be controlled properly, as overheating or supercooling can affect the taste and nutritional value of tea leaves. In addition, when brewing tea, it is also necessary to pay attention to hygiene, avoid contamination and bacterial growth.

    In short, drinking tea is a very beneficial health habit. It can not only provide a variety of nutrients, but also produce different health effects when combined with diet. When brewing tea, attention should be paid to the amount of tea leaves, water temperature, and hygiene to ensure the taste and nutritional value of the tea.

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