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  • The impact of climate and environment on human health is profound and complex. It can directly affect the physiological and psychological functions of the human body, as well as affect human health by influencing microorganisms and pollutants in the environment. For example, extreme heat and cold weather can lead to physical discomfort and even the occurrence of diseases. In extreme hot weather, the human body may experience symptoms such as heatstroke and dehydration, while in extreme cold weather, problems such as frostbite and respiratory diseases may occur. In addition, the climate environment can also affect air quality, which in turn has adverse effects on the respiratory and immune systems.

    Moreover, the climate environment can also have an impact on mental health. For example, extreme weather events such as rainstorm and flood may cause psychological problems such as anxiety and depression. Meanwhile, climate change may also lead to disruptions in the biological clock, which in turn can affect sleep quality and mental state.

    Overall, the impact of climate and environment on human health is diverse, and sometimes can even play a decisive role. Therefore, we must pay attention to the impact of climate and environment on human health and take effective measures to protect our health.

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