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  • Pulse diagnosis in traditional Chinese medicine is one of the important methods for diagnosing diseases, among which the concept of "cun guan chi" is crucial. Cunguan chi refers to the manifestation of pulse in the three parts of the wrist, namely cun, guan, and chi, corresponding to the six organs of the heart, liver, kidneys, lungs, spleen, and gate of life.

    Generally speaking, the left hand's inch pulse corresponds to the heart and heart envelope, the guan pulse corresponds to the liver and gallbladder, and the ulnar pulse corresponds to the kidney; The inch pulse of the right hand corresponds to the lungs and chest, the guan pulse corresponds to the spleen and stomach, and the chi pulse corresponds to the kidneys (some say the gate of life) and large intestine. By observing the pulse patterns of the inch, guan, and chi parts, one can understand the pathological conditions of the corresponding organs, and thus diagnose and treat diseases.

    During pulse diagnosis, doctors will gently press the patient's inch, guan, and chi areas with their fingers to feel the pulse's rhythm. Different diseases will have different pulse patterns in different parts, such as floating pulse indicating disease on the surface, sinking pulse indicating disease on the inside, sliding pulse indicating phlegm and dampness, and string pulse indicating liver qi stagnation.

    In addition to the cun guan chi, there is also the saying of "three parts and nine meridians" in pulse diagnosis, which means that the cun kou pulse is divided into three parts: cun, guan, and chi, and each part is further divided into three meridians: floating, middle, and sinking, totaling nine meridians. By observing the changes in the pulse patterns of these three nines, we can gain a more comprehensive understanding of the internal organs, further improving the accuracy and reliability of traditional Chinese medicine pulse diagnosis.

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