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  • In traditional Chinese medicine theory, human health is regarded as closely related to the balance of qi and blood. Qi and blood, as essential elements for maintaining normal physiological functions in the human body, play a crucial role in various life activities within the body.

    Traditional Chinese Medicine believes that Qi and blood in the human body are like natural sunlight and rain, and are the source of life. The existence of qi enables life activities to occur, driving the growth, development, and metabolic processes of the human body. And blood, like the soil of life, provides nutrition and nourishment for all parts of the body, allowing the body to function normally.

    However, once the circulation of qi and blood is not smooth, like the retention of sunlight and rain, the life activities of the human body will be seriously affected, like the decrease in soil fertility, leading to various diseases in the body. When the circulation of qi and blood is obstructed, the meridians are blocked, and various parts of the body cannot receive sufficient nutrition and energy, the normal functions of the body will gradually become imbalanced, resulting in various symptoms.

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